I Am Enough

Women’s Empowerment Workshop

Principal Investigator

Tracy Fehrenbach, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Northwestern Medicine,
Stone Psychiatric Outpatient
and Transitional Care Clinics

Abbott Hall
710 N. Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1207

Phone: 773-573-5847

IRB Number



Lisa D. Daniels
Founder & Executive Director of The Darren B. Easterling Center Restorative Practices

503 E. 61st Street
Chicago, IL 60637

Phone: 708-540-3040

This work is made possible by funding from the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARRC), The Isaac Ray Research Program & the Chicago Foundation for Women

The Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices (The Center) recognizes the profound trauma endured by those affected by gun violence and incarceration, particularly within the community of Black women. Despite the availability of grief therapies, there remains a significant lack of resources tailored to the unique needs faced by these women. Addressing this need, The Center has collaborated with Northwestern University to introduce "I Am Enough," a groundbreaking, culturally grounded, and trauma-informed therapeutic program.

Distinct from traditional support groups, "I Am Enough" is a comprehensive, culturally-grounded, trauma-informed 16-week therapy program. It was meticulously designed with contributions from experienced mental health professionals specializing in trauma healing and women who have personally encountered these hardships. Our initiative educates and empowers Black women who have lost a loved one to homicide or mass incarceration, providing them with essential strategies to navigate and eventually live beyond their grief, renewing their capacity for hope and daily living.

Each woman will be provided $15 to cover the cost of transportation for each group session (paid in cash immediately following each session). Because this group is still early in development, this work is considered research and has been reviewed and approved by the Northwestern University Institutional Review Board (IRB study #: 002152230). As such, we continually measure its impact and seek feedback from participants. Therefore, participants will receive an additional $25 for completing questionnaires before, half-way through, at group end, and 2 months after (paid in cash or stored value Visa card) each time the questionnaires are completed). If they choose to participate in a 60-minute exit interview, participants will receive an additional $50 for up to 1 hour of their time.

For more information, please contact us.